Friday, June 1, 2012

Tu inglés! It's a good site to improve, start or  to prick up one's ears in your dialy life. I recomend it to intermediate level students, but low level students could patiently improve your hearing. What do you do? I'ts simple:

1. Download podcast, then you need to copy to mp3 player, usb memory or a CD,

2.Download transcription from each podcast, for this you need pay, it's up to you, If you do you can verify things that you don't understand in podcast.

3. Your can take test before a group of lessons to verify how do you improve.

Test it!


Enjoy it!


1 comment:

  1. I’ll be learning about some of the features as I go along. I hope that it eventually proves easier for you the reader to follow the postings and comments.

    English Lessons by Skype
